Why it is Important to have the Difficult Conversation about the Family Finances

Our Francine Bristo deals with the importance of discussing financial matters with your partner or spouse.

Most couples don’t make the time to have a conversation about the finances because it can lead to increased tension and arguments.  Money is emotional, evoking feelings of shame, fear, anger and frustration.  It is no wonder that people avoid talking about money and what would happen in the event of their relationship ending.  Ignoring these issues whilst they are small however, allows them to grow into larger problems.  There is nothing worse than dealing with the emotion of money combined with the emotion of separation.   It is better to discuss the finances and what would happen if you were to separate whilst you are on good terms.  Conversations help avoid misunderstandings and later upset.  It is useful for everyone to clarify the terms of your financial relationship so that you each understand the expectations,