Making A Will

Lots of people find the thought of their death and what happens to their estate once they’ve gone a daunting prospect to consider. Here at New Leaf Solicitors we take that anxiety and turn it into peace of mind. Making a Will is not expensive and is so important, especially if you have children, you own a property and have assets such as your own business, savings or investments. We will explain the process in a straightforward and jargon free manner, ensuring you get the best tailored advice for your individual circumstances.

By preparing a Will with one of our specialist solicitors you can rest assured that:

  • The process will be explained to you sensitively and the confidential advice you receive will be in accordance to your personal and family circumstances;
  • You will ensure that your affairs are left in order and that your assets are distributed in accordance with your wishes;
  • You will ensure that your loved ones are taken care of;
  • You can provide for an unmarried cohabitee or dependant or charity who would otherwise not be looked after if you died without a Will;
  • You will choose who you want to administer your affairs by appointing Executors and Trustees to ensure that your wishes are carried out;
  • You can also appoint trusted guardians to care for minor children;
  • You can specify your funeral wishes.

In the meeting as well as discussing the drafting of your Will we will also advise you fully in relation to:

  • Estate and succession planning;
  • A reduction in potential inheritance tax liability by ensuring that you prepare for a tax efficient future for your beneficiaries;
  • The fairest outcome for blended families with children from previous marriages to ensure that their inheritance is protected;
  • Setting up trusts within your Will to protect vulnerable or disabled beneficiaries which will make appropriate provision for their future whilst not effecting their means tested benefits

It is so important to put a Will in place rather than leave all of the above to chance. If you die without a Will your affairs are arbitrarily dealt with by the Intestacy Rules and worse case scenario is that your intended loved ones do not benefit at all from your estate.

If you already have a Will consider if it is up to date and reflects your current circumstances. Have you recently married, or had children or grandchildren, or bought a new house? We recommend that you regularly review your Will at least every 3-5 years to ensure that it reflects your needs.

We are also a member of Certainty the National Will Register. When you make your Will with us we will register it for you and then store it for you free of charge. Your Will is then registered in a national database, you will be issued with a registration certificate and if anyone in the future is looking for your Will they will be referred to us.

Amye Aris is also an associate member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) – which is the global professional association for lawyers who specialise in family inheritance and succession planning.

To make an appointment to speak to a specialist today contact 01908 542 677 or 01788 555 042 or email