Legal Disclamier

Legal Disclamier for New Leaf Solicitors

We try to ensure the information on this website is correct but the information given does not constitute legal advice and are provided for general information purposes only. No warranty, whether express or implied is given in relation to such materials. New Leaf Solicitors shall not be liable for any technical, editorial, typographical or other errors or omissions within the information provided on this website, nor shall we be responsible for the content of any web images or information linked to this website.

The contents of these pages are copyright New Leaf Solicitors unless otherwise stated. Copying, publication and distribution are prohibited other than in accordance with our copyright and database right notice and limited copying and other permissions. Information on this site is not intended to be a definitive analysis of legislation. Professional advice should be taken before any course of action is pursued.

In the event of any dispute arising as a result of content posted on this website, the jurisdiction and applicable law to be invoked is that of England and Wales.

If you are a client and we have made a contract with you by electronic means you may be entitled to use an EU online dispute resolution service to assist with any contractual dispute you may have with us. This service can be found at

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