Frequently asked questions

From initiating proceedings to the Final Order, the process can take up to 9-12 months. This is following the new ‘No Fault Divorce’ Law, which introduced a 20-week reflection period before the Conditional Order is pronounced, and a further 6-week wait for the Final Order

Your spouse is required to respond to the divorce application with an ‘acknowledgement of service’. However, they can only dispute the application under specific circumstances such as jurisdiction; the marriage already being legally ended; or the validity of the marriage.

Anyone can apply for a divorce online via the Government website www.gov.uk/divorce/file-for-divorce however, it is important to keep track of the important dates and requirements. Our specialist solicitors can ensure your divorce is processed correctly. If you have any marital assets or children, it is best to seek legal advice as this is dealt with alongside a divorce.

Every case is different, and we tailor our costs accordingly. The more complicated a case, the more time we have to spend on it, so the more of our time we have to charge for.

If budget is tight, and the process is likely to be simple, you should definitely consider the fixed fee options.

It would be sensible to have a Living Together Agreement prepared so it is clear who will pay for what and that your boyfriend would not gain any interest (money/equity) in the property even if he had contributed towards the mortgage or other outgoings.

Yes. The court focuses on a child’s right to maintain a relationship with both parents. If you and the other parent are agreed on the arrangements for you to see your child/ren then the Court would not become involved. If the other parent is refusing to allow you to have contact with your children or will not agree to a level of contact that you want, then you can make an application to the court for a Contact Order. You must be willing to mediate (exceptions apply) before you can make an application to the Court.

Unmarried couples do not have the same rights or financial claims against each other that married couples have. Alot of unmarried couples wrongly believe that they acquire similar rights as married couples, but this is not the case. If you have been sharing the household outgoings in the property you shared, you may have a claim against the property even though you are not a joint legal owner of the property, but it can be a complicated process. If you find yourself in this situation an initial meeting would explain the options available open to you.

Financial matters such as property, savings and pension are not automatically sorted at the same time as the divorce. There are a number of financial claims you need to consider, and you should seek advice on how to resolve financial matters. We can advise you on how assets are usually divided and help you reach an agreement.