Pay As You Go

At New Leaf Solicitors we understand that you will want to keep your legal costs to a minimum. You may be embarking on court proceedings, or be the recipient of court papers and you need legal advice but there are financial constraints on being able to afford full representation by a solicitor.

Pay As You Go is a service whereby you can access qualified and insured advice in an affordable way. If you want to act for yourself in court proceedings but still access good clear legal advice this service can help you.

You will be acting in person and you will be in control of your own case. In other words you will be on the court record as representing yourself, we are advising you but not formally representing you in court. You will do all the paperwork and administration on your case keeping your costs to a minimum. You can contact New Leaf Solicitors for advice when you feel you need legal advice.

We will give you clear advice to help you achieve what you want. This service does not include representation at Court but if you want us to represent you we can do so for a fixed fee. If you wanted to change to full representation, you can do this at any time.

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So what is involved?

For example, in Children Act Matters we can help you prepare an application to Court for contact or residence and we will advise you on the court process and what is likely to happen in the court hearings. For financial matters we can advise you on process of applying for a financial order from the court and how to complete all the necessary forms and the court process.

Is it right for you?

You need to be organised. You must be confident in running your own ‘project’ and this means keeping a paper file of all court paperwork and correspondence and managing to comply with deadlines and noting important dates like court hearings. We will help you on how to do this.

Ideally you should have access to the internet so you can download the relevant court forms.

You pay for the advice at the time of your face to face meeting with us. There are no unexpected bills as we will not be working on your case other than when we are with you face to face. You are charged for the time you spend with us. If it’s a half hour meeting you are charged for 30 mins, its an hour and a half meeting you are charged for an hour and a half. It’s that straightforward.

We suggest you come and see us for an initial meeting to see if the Pay As You Go service is right for you.