Financial Matters

Whether married or unmarried, finances can become a difficult issue to discuss following separation. If you and your partner own a property together, such as the matrimonial home, consideration will need to be given as to how the assets should be divided. For married couples, it can become complicated when considering savings and/or pensions.

We can advise you on what financial claims you are entitled to and help you to pursue these claims. This service is provided on an hourly basis as every couples’ finances are different, and some require more time than others. To help you budget through this process, we will provide you with an estimate of what our fees will be to deal with your financial settlement agreement process. We also provide a monthly invoice. This way, we are able to keep track of costs together to ensure that our clients do not feel pressured or stressed during this difficult time.

Mediation can be a helpful option in some cases to reach a favourable agreement and we can refer you to a mediation service. For more information on mediation click here.

Pre-Nuptual Agreement

Pre Nups as they are more commonly known are now referred to as Marital Agreements. A “qualifying” marital agreement will be binding if certain criteria are met.

If you are contemplating marriage and want to put in place an agreement regarding how your assets are to be retained or divided upon a subsequent divorce you should meet with us for some advice.

There are a number of factors that need to be met for the agreement to be binding and one is that’s it is signed not later than 28 days before the wedding so please bear this in mind during the busy preparations for the wedding.

We can offer advice on this complicated area of law and explain the process and your options in a clear and simple way.

As part of our commitment to making the process easier for our clients we can advise you outside office hours and at weekends as we understand that not everyone can able to take time off to see us during the working day.