Is the Cost-of-Living Crisis Likely to Impact Upon Couples Wanting a Divorce?

The cost-of-living crisis is something that concerns us all.   The additional worry of household finances and having to restrict outgoings is likely to be a source of discussion and even arguments between couples.     Is the cost-of-living crisis likely to impact upon couples wanting to divorce?

The fact is that clients have many reasons why they want to separate rather that it being just one issue.  The factors that lead to divorce can include no longer sharing the same goals, drifting apart, abuse, alcohol dependency or just no longer feeling part of a happy union.  Money issues are raised if one spouse feels that the other has been spending joint monies on their own needs such as alcohol or socialising or racking up credit card debts when money is tight within the family.

There is no right time for a divorce and so deciding on whether to divorce will be personal to you