Newleaf Solicitors Blog — Client Testimonial

Blog Home / Client Testimonial (18th January 2023)

Client Testimonial

A testimonial for Pauline O'Rourke, family solicitor based in Birmingham.

"I just wanted to drop you a quick note to tell you what a fantastic Solicitor Pauline is.  I've had years of representation that only ever seemed to write letters (and charge me handsomely for it).  Pauline's approach was a breath of fresh air; pro-actively calling the other side and trying to drive my case forward to a conclusion, keeping me informed at each stage about what was happening or could happen.  I always feel like there is a plan, and that every eventuality has been catered for.  

A testimonial for Pauline O'Rourke, family solicitor based in Birmingham.

"I just wanted to drop you a quick note to tell you what a fantastic Solicitor Pauline is.  I've had years of representation that only ever seemed to write letters (and charge me handsomely for it).  Pauline's approach was a breath of fresh air; pro-actively calling the other side and trying to drive my case forward to a conclusion, keeping me informed at each stage about what was happening or could happen.  I always feel like there is a plan, and that every eventuality has been catered for.  

I feel like Pauline genuinely cares for me and my situation.  I know that she has much bigger cases and clients but I always feel like I'm her top priority.   Pauline will always be the number I call if I need legal representation for anything in the future.

I first encountered Pauline when she was working as a locum at the firm that was representing me in my financial settlement case following my divorce.  I feel I had been poorly represented in what should have been a very simple case (ultimately, we had very few assets to share out).  My concerns were realised when Pauline picked up my case and effectively sorted it out "in her lunch break" or at least that's what I tell people.  The paperwork took longer, but she phoned the other side and thrashed it out there and then, meaning that we could dispense with the third hearing and just send the order for the judge to agree.  Naturally, when I also needed to resolve the situation where I was being alienated from my children and prevented from seeing them Pauline was my first call, and I do not regret a single moment or penny spent.  She has been truly inspirational in her approach and handling of the case.  Although the case isn't over, I am now seeing my children regularly and rebuilding my relationship with them - things get better every weekend I see them.

I can't thank her, or New Leaf enough".

 Mr N S

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