Newleaf Solicitors Blog — Why is September One of the Busiest Months for Divorce?

Blog Home / Why is September One of the Busiest Months for Divorce? (15th September 2020)

Why is September One of the Busiest Months for Divorce?

Our Francine Bristo looks at why is September one of the Busiest Months for Divorce?

Every year as with January, we notice an increase in enquiries during September.  This may surprise some as it sees the return of children to school and is could be looked upon as a positive and optimistic time for couples.  Whilst it may be for some, September can be a difficult time for many couples and is a popular time of the year for spouses to file for divorce.  It is not clear why more petitions are lodged in September, couples do not consciously choose a time of year to separate, we suspect there are many reasons for this.

Our Francine Bristo looks at why is September one of the Busiest Months for Divorce?

Every year as with January, we notice an increase in enquiries during September.  This may surprise some as it sees the return of children to school and is could be looked upon as a positive and optimistic time for couples.  Whilst it may be for some, September can be a difficult time for many couples and is a popular time of the year for spouses to file for divorce.  It is not clear why more petitions are lodged in September, couples do not consciously choose a time of year to separate, we suspect there are many reasons for this.

Couples may have used a summer holiday as a time to reflect on their relationship.  Returning to 'normality' and everyday routines may mean spouses decide to finally give up the struggle of pretending to be a 'normal' and happy couple. Holidays are expensive and can cause financial strain with arguments about money being one of the top reasons for seeking a divorce.  For couples with children the six weeks of summer holiday may have meant extended periods of time together without childcare support causing increased friction.  The new academic year leaves many parents with more time away from the children to deal with admin such as making enquiries with divorce lawyers.  Another common situation is older children flying the nest in September releasing parents from more onerous parenting obligations and perhaps releasing parents to consider a fresh start for themselves.

Whatever the reason, if you or someone you know needs the support of a Family Law Solicitor this September or indeed at any time please get in touch.  We can talk with you about divorce, separation, children or finances, we are here to help please see our website for further information ( or telephone us on 01788 555 042.

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